osctl-image 8 2024-12-02 24.11.0


osctl-image - build, test and deploy vpsAdminOS container images


osctl-image [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


osctl-image manages containers that serve as builders and uses them to build container images. osctl-image itself does not know how to build images. It is concerned with managing build containers, executing arbitrary builds and testing resulting images.

osctl-image has to be used in conjunction with program or programs that know how to build specific distribution images. vpsAdminOS comes with one such collection of image building scripts: https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsadminos/tree/staging/image-scripts.

See IMAGE BUILDER INTERFACE for more information about the interaction of osctl-image with image building programs.


--build-scripts directory
Provide path to a custom build scripts directory. If not set, build scripts are looked for in the current working directory and /etc/vpsadminos-image-scripts.


ls [options]
List available images.

-H, --hide-header Do not show header, useful for scripts.

-L, --list List available parameters and exit.

-o, --output parameters Select parameters to output, see OUTPUT PARAMETERS in osctl(8) for more information.

-s, --sort parameters Sort output by parameters, comma separated.

build [options] all|image[,image...]
Build selected images.

--build-dataset dataset Name of a ZFS filesystem which can be used to build images. Required.

--output-dir dir Directory where the resulting images are stored. Defaults to ./output.

--vendor vendor Override vendor attribute defined by the image.

--jobs n How many images should be built in parallel. Defaults to 1.

test [options] all|image[,image...] [test[,test...]]
Run one or more tests on all or selected images. If the image is not found in the output directory, it is built, otherwise a cached version is used. Rebuild can be forced using option --rebuild.

--build-dataset dataset Name of a ZFS filesystem which can be used to build images. Required.

--output-dir dir Directory where the resulting images are stored. Defaults to ./output.

--vendor vendor Override vendor attribute defined by the image.

--rebuild Rebuild the image even if it is found in the output directory.

--keep-failed Keep containers from failed tests.

instantiate [options] image
Create a container from the build image. If the image is not found in the output directory, it is built, otherwise a cached version is used. Rebuild can be forced using option --rebuild.

--build-dataset dataset Name of a ZFS filesystem which can be used to build images. Required.

--output-dir dir Directory where the resulting images are stored. Defaults to ./output.

--vendor vendor Override vendor attribute defined by the image.

--rebuild Rebuild the image even if it is found in the output directory.

--container ctid Do not create a new container, but reinstall container ctid to image. Configuration of the existing container is kept.

deploy [options] image[,image...] repository
Build, test and deploy images to repository. Images are built only if they aren't found in the output directory, or --rebuild is used. repository is a directory managed by osctl-repo.

--build-dataset dataset Name of a ZFS filesystem which can be used to build images. Required.

--output-dir dir Directory where the resulting images are stored. Defaults to ./output.

--vendor vendor Override vendor attribute defined by the image.

--tag tag Tag the image within the repository. Tags can be used to access the image instead of using its version. Used tags include stable, latest and testing.

--jobs n How many images should be built in parallel. Defaults to 1.

--rebuild Rebuild the image even if it is found in the output directory.

--keep-failed Keep containers from failed tests.

--skip-tests Do not run tests, deploy images immediately after build.

ct ls [options]
List managed build-related containers.

-H, --hide-header Do not show header, useful for scripts.

-L, --list List available parameters and exit.

-o, --output parameters Select parameters to output, see OUTPUT PARAMETERS in osctl(8) for more information.

-s, --sort parameters Sort output by parameters, comma separated.

ct del [options] [ctid...]
Delete selected managed containers.

--type builder|test|instance Delete only containers of selected type.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation, delete the containers right away.


Image building programs define builders and actual images to be built. Builders are simply containers in which the images are built.

osctl-image requires three executable files in the build scripts directory: bin/config, bin/runner and bin/test.

bin/config is used to gather information about builders and images. It is called from the vpsAdminOS host.

bin/runner is used to either setup builders or build images. It is called within build containers managed by osctl-image.

bin/test is used to test built images. It is run on the vpsAdminOS host and can use osctl to test containers managed by osctl-image. Since the tests may require additional programs, bin/test is invoked by a nix-shell operating on ./shell-test.nix. You can configure your dependencies in this Nix file.

All executables have to implement argument-based commands described below.

bin/config interface

bin/config builder list
List available builders, one per line.
bin/config builder show name
Show builder attributes, one per line, <attribute>=<value>.
bin/config image list
List available images, one per line.
bin/config image show name
Show image attributes, one per line, <attribute>=<value>.

bin/runner interface

bin/runner builder setup name
Setup build container, i.e. install required packages.
bin/runner image build build-id work-dir install-dir name
Build image name to directory install-dir. Temporary files can be saved to work-dir. build-id should be used when creating temporary directories or files as a unique identifier. Custom container config can be placed at install-dir/container.yml.

bin/test interface

bin/test image run image test ctid
Run test on container ctid, which is an instance of image. The test is considered successful when the programs exits with 0.

Builder attributes

Image attributes

Only BUILDER is required. Other attributes can be passed within the image name in the following form: DISTNAME[-RELVER[-ARCH[-VENDOR[-VARIANT]]]]


Report bugs to https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsadminos/issues.


osctl-image is a part of vpsAdminOS.