test-runner 1 2024-12-02 24.11.0


test-runner - vpsAdminOS test suite evaluator


test-runner [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


test-runner is a command-line tool to evaluate vpsAdminOS test suite, running selected tests and reporting results.


ls [path-pattern]
List available tests, filtered by path-pattern if provided.
test [path-pattern]
Run all or selected tests.

-j, --jobs Number of tests to run in parallel.

-t, --timeout n Default timeout for machine commands that wait until execution becomes possible, or until a command fails or succeeds. This option changes the default value, which is used when tests do not set the timeout themselves. In seconds, defaults to 900.

--stop-on-failure Stop further execution when a test fails.

--destructive Determines whether machine disk files are kept

--state-dir dir Set custom path to directory where the test logs and state are stored. Defaults to $TMPDIR or /tmp.

debug test
Run test interactively. The test script is not run, instead Ruby REPL is opened. The REPL can be used to issue commands as from the test script. The test is run in a non-destructive mode, i.e. machine disks remain intact between test runs.

--state-dir dir Set custom path to directory where the test logs and state are stored. Defaults to $TMPDIR or /tmp.


Report bugs to https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsadminos/issues.


test-runner is a part of vpsAdminOS.